Paid traffic has many forms. In fact, there is no singular term for all the ways you can get paid for marketing. Some methods are straightforward; others require a great deal of time. But all are less expensive than the alternative of free traffic with eCom Elites.
Paid traffic, in simpler terms, consists of when you pay other companies to display advertisements of your own products on their websites. You might pay a third-party agency, or you could become an affiliate marketer yourself. You decide where and when to post an advertisement. In most cases, you are paid per click, although some services offer a free traffic mix of both paid and free traffic. In essence, all three are part of a blended solution.
Paid online advertising through ad exchanges is a relatively new concept that started on social media sites. The idea is to let users exchange advertising space, rather than having advertisers place actual ads on individual websites. For example, a social media site could have a blog where people “like” the blogs of their friends. The friends would then have access to the blog feeds, which had ads from the advertiser displayed as thumbnail images. Users who “like” the blog posts would also see the advertiser’s profile page.
The concept caught on, and paid traffic immediately increased. Social media users became accustomed to ads on their favorite sites and wouldn’t mind clicking them, because they were visiting the website for the sake of the traffic. Other internet businesses, such as casinos and sports betting sites, began to take advantage of this free traffic. They found that by contracting with a paid traffic agency, they could significantly increase their exposure and revenue.
There are two major downsides to paid traffic: you need to pay for it, and you need to be able to measure your results. Many publishers ask their readers whether they “liked” a post or not, but this is usually interpreted loosely. For most people, even reading a post doesn’t guarantee that they’re going to click on an ad. If you’re paying a publisher to put an advertisement on your site, you need to know that your readers are actually going to read it, and then make a decision as to whether or not they’re going to click on it. Google Analytics will help you track this.
Another potential pitfall of paid traffic is that users on a site may be unwilling to share. Advertisers want users to like their products, so they can run them during the search engine results for searches. If the publisher can’t ensure that they’re being advertised to in the best possible manner, they may find themselves losing out on a significant revenue stream. The best-paid traffic agencies will work with web publishers to ensure that the ads match their site’s content.
The last potential downfall of what is paid traffic? It can be quite expensive. Many companies offer a variety of payment options, ranging from a single banner ad up to several dozen. Paying for traffic doesn’t always result in the desired results, so it’s important to factor in what you could not afford before agreeing to let a company advertise on your site.
So what is paid traffic? In a nutshell, it’s the traffic that you don’t have to pay for but might be interested in. When using a paid traffic agency, you can ensure that your website gets noticed by potential customers, and that the ad you’re paying for will bring you results.
To answer the question posed in the title, paid traffic is popular – but not all traffic is. Some web publishers are able to garner a steady amount of traffic without spending anything whatsoever, and others may prefer to pay for the targeted ad that will bring them targeted visitors. For example, a pharmaceutical website may choose to pay for advertisement placement, which will drive pharmaceutical industry related traffic to the website. A restaurant could pay for paid traffic, or even a general site devoted to news, movies, or television. Regardless, of what is paid traffic?
There are many ways that paid traffic can be effective. Depending on the target audience that your website is trying to attract, different strategies can be employed. For example, a website promoting children’s toys would most likely benefit from paid traffic, as would one that is offering financial services. Medical website advertising for diabetes care may use paid traffic in order to increase its credibility and attract new patients. Even major search engines like Google can take advantage of paid traffic, as many website owners to purchase ad space on their pages, which are then advertised throughout the internet.
If you want to know “what is paid traffic?” Think about the methods used by your favorite web publisher. While this information can’t guarantee any guaranteed success, it does provide some insight into how to maximize the potential of paid traffic.